The Freedom Club Building Fund

Help us make it happen!!


Payments secured through PayPal. Major credit cards accepted. Small donations welcome, but have in mind that we are charged 30 cents per transaction.

As you may know, the Freedom Club's rent is increasing by $150.00 dollars per month starting November 1st. Since we have had difficulty breaking even each month a $150.00 rent increase would be devestating to our prudent reserve. In response to the coming rent increase we have formed a "new location" committee to scout out new sites for the Club.

One problem we face is that we need a place that is not only very close to our current location but a place that is big enough, cheap and has good parking and is not close to residences. It's quite a tall order. Many buildings we have looked at would be significantly cheaper if we purchased them.

So we have decided to start a separate building fund. Our goal is to raise at least $12,000 to go towards our new building. It sounds like a lot because it is, but together we can do it. Each week, hundreds of addicts and alcoholics come through the doors of the Freedom Club looking for a solution. We are putting out an URGENT APPEAL to all that would like to see our work continue to contribute to this fund.

This fall, we conducted a raffle to help us raise money for our building fund. We received a great variety of fantastic prizes. The grand prize of our raffle was a First Edition Alcoholics Anonymous big book! Our building fund raffle was a great success, but we still have a long way to go to reach our goal.

Today, if we found the perfect building we would not have the resources to buy it. Even though the number of people that attend the Freedom Club's various 12-step groups is large, many of those in attendance are in their teens or early twenties. This limits our fundraising possibilities. If we are to purchase a building that would forever house the Freedom Club and all its groups, there will be expenses (down payment, initial renovations, etc.). The reality is that $12,000.00 may not be enough, but it's a start. We are looking to those who have benefited from the Club to come out and make this happen. Please contact us if you or a friend or family member would like to donate money or participate in our raffle to benefit the Freedom Club Building Fund.

For more information, contact:

Phil D.
Tim F.

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